This online resource is intended for use by amateur astronomers with an interest in galaxies.

There is a lot of information out there in books and on the net but I could not find exactly what I was after so I created this site.

The site includes galaxies above a declanation of -20 and broadly includes all galaxies that I have found to be visible in a semi rural site in the UK with the telescopes I have had over a long period.

I hope it will help others who are starting out in the same field

The information is sorted by constellation and by month.

For each galaxy there is basic information, a picture and maps to help you find the galaxy. Some entries are not yet complete as this is a work in progress.

The visual scale is as follows:

-0.5 requires averted vision to see
-1 can be held with direct vision
-2 easy with direct vision
-3 to 5 Increasingly bright

By month

Galaxies in Andromeda
Galaxies in Antila
Galaxies in Aquarius
Galaxies in Aquila
Galaxies in Aries
Galaxies in Auriga
Galaxies in Bootes
Galaxies in Camelopardis
Galaxies in Cancer
Galaxies in Canes Venatici
Galaxies in Canis Minor
Galaxies in Canis Major
Galaxies in Capricorn
Galaxies in Cassiopeia
Galaxies in Cephas
Galaxies in Cetus
Galaxies in Coma Berenices
Galaxies in Corona Borealis
Galaxies in Corvus
Galaxies in Crater
Galaxies in Cygnus
Galaxies in Delphinus
Galaxies in Draco
Galaxies in Equuleus
Galaxies in Eridanus
Galaxies in Gemini
Galaxies in Hercules
Galaxies in Hydra
Galaxies in Lacerta
Galaxies in Leo
Galaxies in Leo Minor
Galaxies in Lepus
Galaxies in Libra
Galaxies in Lynx
Galaxies in Lyra
Galaxies in Monoceros
Galaxies in Ophiuchus
Galaxies in Orion
Galaxies in Pegasus
Galaxies in Perseus
Galaxies in Pisces
Galaxies in Puppis
Galaxies in Sagitta
Galaxies in Sagittarius
Galaxies in Scorpius
Galaxies in Sculptor
Galaxies in Scutum
Galaxies in Serpens
Galaxies in Sextans
Galaxies in Taurus
Galaxies in Triangulum
Galaxies in Ursa Minor
Galaxies in Ursa Major
Galaxies in Virgo
Galaxies in Vulpecula

I have created a page which lists the galaxies that are visible in large binoculars.

Galaxies in binoculars

I have also created a page which shows DSO pictures.

DSO slideshow

If you enjoy this site please let me know at mark at