Historical weather data for the Bristol are going back to 1852.
Bristol weather

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The links here are to text files containing weather data colected over a long period. If you do use it and find it helpful please let me know.

The data was recorded at the following locations:
1852 - 1930   Various
1931 - May 1937   Horfield
June 1937 - 1960   Whitchurch
1961 - July 1981   Filton
Aug 1981 - July 1994   Bristol Weather centre
Aug 1994 to 1997   Totterdown
1998 onwards   My records in Thornbury

There are some gaps in the earlier data

Monthly rainfall from 1853

Monthly temperatures from 1853

Annual rainfall from 1853

If you need anything not listed here please contact me using mark at mdstuart.co.uk.


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